We are a leader in providing a best quality of cyber security awareness training services to our clients.
- OOPS Concept
- SQL queries
- Basics of Designing
- Android Basics
- Installing Android Studio
- Creating an Android app project
- Deploying the app to an emulator and a device
- Layouts, Views and Resources
- Text and Scrolling views (working with TextView Elements)
- PHP and HTML basics
- Classes and Object
- Constructors
- Inheritance
- Method Overriding
- Polymorphism
- Abstract method and classes
- Interface and Packages
- Exception Handling
- Multitasking and Multithreading
- Synchronization
- Activities and Intents
- Activity Lifecycle and Saving State
- Activities and Implicit Intents
- Debugging Your App
- Testing Your App
- User Input Controls
- Menus
- Screen Navigation
- RecyclerView
- Delightful User Experience
- Drawable, Themes and Styles
- Material design
- Supporting landscape, multiple screen sizes
- AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader
- Broadcast receivers
- Notifications
- Transferring data efficiently
- SQLite Data Types
- Adding, Updating and Deleting Content using SQLite Database
- Working with MySQL