We are a leader in providing a best quality of cyber security awareness training services to our clients.
- Types of Languages
- Evolution of 'C' Language
- Structure of a ‘C’ Program
- ‘C’ Program development life cycle
- Executing and Debugging a ‘C’ Program
- Keywords and Identifiers
- Operators
- Constants
- Variables
- Data Types
- Precedence of Operators
- Scope and Lifetime of Variables
- Decision Making using if statement
- Types of if …else block
- Switch case Block
- Arithmetic Expressions
- Evaluation of Expressions
- GOTO statement
- Concept of Loop
- For loop
- While loop
- Do while loop
- Jumping in Loop
- break and continue statement
- Introduction of Array
- One - D Array
- Two - D Array
- Multidimensional Array
- Dynamic Arrays
- Implementing String Variables
- String handling Functions
- Concept of Function
- User defined Function
- System Defined Function
- Types of parameter passing in function
- Need of Pointers
- Types of Pointers
- Pointer Expression
- Arrays of Pointers
- Pointers and Functions
- Need of Structure
- Implementing Structure Variable
- Arrays of Structure
- Structure within Structure
- Introduction of Unions
- Difference between Structure and Unions
- Opening and Closing File
- Input / Output operations on File
- Random Access to Files
- Command Line Arguments
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Concept of Dynamic Allocation
- Implementing Malloc and Calloc Functions
- Releasing the free space
- Introduction of Storage Class
- Types of Storage Classes
- Introduction of Pre-processor
- Macro Substitution
- File Inclusion
Programming in ‘C++’
- Concept of OOP
- Features of OOP
- Introduction of ‘C++’
- Structure of ‘C++’ program
- Executing and Debugging a ‘C++’ Program
- Keywords and Identifiers
- Operators
- Constants
- Variables
- Data Types
- Precedence of Operators
- Scope and Lifetime of Variables
- Classes & Object Specifier
- Defining data members and member functions
- Array of objects
- Managing console I/O
- ‘C++’ stream classes
- Formatted and unformatted console I/O
- Usage of manipulators
- Call by reference, Return by reference
- Function overloading and default arguments
- Inline function
- Static class members
- Friend functions
- Virtual Functions
- Concept of Constructor
- Types of Constructors
- Memory allocation (new and delete)
- Usage of destructor
- Overloading Unary and Binary operators
- Overloading using friend function
- Types of inheritance
- Constructor and destructor in derived class
- Virtual base classes and abstract base classes
- File operations
- File pointer and their manipulation
- File updation with random access
- Various Exception Handling classes
- Implementing try and catch block
- Use of throw keyword